Maintaining Digital Business Continuity While the World Resets

Maintaining Digital Business Continuity While the World Resets

Data-driven technology has been taking over the world for some time, transforming traditional businesses like the automotive or aerospace industries, while creating brand new ones like social media and cloud services. Headlines have touted the trends toward digital transformation for companies for some time. However, this year COVID-19 permanently changed our world, kicking an accelerated transition toward virtual environments and digital models into high-gear. Looking back at the worldwide shutdown—and subsequent online reboot—feels uncannily like our own computer reset.

It seems that nearly every company that could embrace remote work did so, and they did it immediately. Next, many of these companies pushed their sales and marketing workflows into the cloud and adjusted their product delivery models wherever possible. Those companies that had delayed their investment in technology related to their core business were forced to make a hard decision: whether to pivot with a rapid ramp-up or shut down during the crisis. As a result, the primary challenge facing small and large businesses right now is how quickly they can adapt their business model. No longer a trend, digital transformation is the new imperative.

Data Centers as the Center of Digital Infrastructure

Fortunately, data centers have been available to keep businesses operating even if that means they must work differently than before. Although there have been drastic increases in demand for digital services and bandwidth, colocation facilities are uniquely positioned to solve for these emerging needs. Colocation facilities offer high availability and a redundant power supply to keep small and medium enterprises connected, collaborative and conducting business. There are several benefits to leveraging data centers as your hub for enterprise digital infrastructure:

  • Colocation providers help enterprise companies embark on their digital transformation, with companies moving into colocation facilities for data storage and connectivity solutions.
  • As employees transition to remote working, enterprise companies are moving IT infrastructure into colocation facilities to ensure optimal management.
  • Now more than ever, interconnection requirements are vitally important for customers, and supporting low-latency networks is a top priority. Colocation is built on carrier neutrality and high connectivity when businesses need to access their data worldwide.
  • With stay at home orders in place still and a fully remote workforce, the need for backup and disaster recovery strategies are also crucial so that critical data and application access are not affected by natural disasters.
  • Colocation providers deliver reliable and redundant power supplies to ensure that servers are always doing their job. Your IT stack contains the lifeblood of your business, so a move to colocation can ensure critical systems are always accessible.
  • Leveraging data analytics can be game-changing in an environment when prior business models are altering due to the drastic changes in commercial behavior.

Although businesses are finding themselves in challenging times, crises are an opportunity for change and revitalization. This is your chance to look for ways to innovate, restructure, and emerge stronger than before. As while we go through our own “computer reset,” businesses have a center of continuity they can rely on in data centers.

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