Resource Center

Development at Element Critical’s Chicago Facility Delivers Private Suite Solutions for Wood Dale Customers

Data Centers, much like the technology they support, are in a constant cycle of innovation. Here at Element Critical, we are excited to announce an addition to our state-of-the-art colocation facility CH1, which will offer…

Success in 2022 Depends on Environmentally Responsible IT

2021 saw the continuation of significant changes in our lives and commerce as COVID-19 protocols continued to grapple with ways to protect employees from contracting COVID-19 and slow the spread of the virus. In 2019,…

Five Data Center Trends Driving Business Growth in 2021 and Beyond

Welcome to 2021, where we find ourselves in a transformational phase for many businesses.  2020 showed us just how quickly the world could change.  Businesses in every industry hurtled toward a wholesale shift in how…

The Colocation Industry is Changing to Adapt to More Sophisticated Use Cases & Customers

Colocation has always offered businesses an ideal environment to store IT equipment by delivering reliable and secure space and power with expert management support. However, as interconnection services and cloud providers continue to proliferate, space…

The Smartening of American Cities

In 2018, the Eden Strategy Institute found that 12 of the world’s 20 smartest cities were in the United States. These are cities that are already moving the needle with high-tech solutions applied to traditional…

Edge Technology Enables Smarter Cities 

Smart cities are part of our digital future, and they are unfolding across the world right now. For example in India, the National Smart Cities Mission was launched in 2015 with a mission to integrate…

Smart Homes Leads to Smart Cities

Everything Started with Smart Homes As homeowners increasingly automate common household functions, Smart Homes have been growing in popularity. These upgrades can be anything from installing smart light switches or connected doorbells to more complex…

Silicon Valley Fuels the Innovation Economy

The horizon of the fourth industrial revolution is replete with technology gains that promise to alter every aspect of our lives and our global economy.   This is easy to believe since the best and brightest…

Uptime as an Operational Priority for Every Business

The most fundamental goal of any organization’s IT department is to ensure that critical business applications are always available and operational. This is referred to as uptime, and it is precisely why IT leaders invest…

Maintaining Digital Business Continuity While the World Resets

Data-driven technology has been taking over the world for some time, transforming traditional businesses like the automotive or aerospace industries, while creating brand new ones like social media and cloud services. Headlines have touted the…